
Our vision is to help people to discover benefits of the crypto finance technology, making it easier, more attainable and more accessible. We are here to bring the unique knowledge and the best solutions for customers and partners around the world. New crypto finance innovations expand access to the universal basic finance but at the same time could be complicated and confusing. OnChainz portal is the one-stop place where everyone can find the right explanations and make better informed decisions about crypto finance products saving time and money along the way.

Working at OnChainz

As a growing company, OnChainz offers many interesting jobs in areas like software development, marketing and customer relations. New employees are given unique opportunities to learn and to build the company from the day one. Presently, we are looking for a digital marketing specialist and would be happy to receive your CV at hr@onchainz.com. However, feel always free to contacts us regarding any position if you would consider joining the team.