Becoming a Hyperledger Aries Developer

Course Features
  • Lectures
  • Duration
    28 Hours
  • Level
  • Delivery
  • Audience
  • Practitioner

The course focuses on the Hyperledger Aries ecosystem - tools for designing solutions that create, manage, and transmit digital credentials. Concepts, protocols and lab coding exercises teach to program Aries agents for issuing and verifying digital credentials on a blockchain.

The intended audience for this course is developers who want to learn how to build applications that use self-sovereign identity (SSI) and Trust over IP (ToIP) capabilities. A broader technical audience beyond developers will find the course helpful in understanding how ToIP can be used in designing business solutions.

This course assumes basic knowledge of blockchain technology, cryptography and public/private key pairs. For those who are new to Aries and verifiable credentials, it is recommended to take first the precursor to this course, “Introduction to Hyperledger Sovereign Identity Blockchain Solutions: Indy, Aries & Ursa”. For lab exercises it would be good to have Python (including asynchronous programming), OpenAPI/Swagger, Docker and Git knowledge.

  • Content

    The course is structured as “concepts, protocols, dependencies → coding labs”. All the discussions have one goal - to explain the basic logic behind the Aries agent “controllers” and how to program them in order to make agents operate properly in managing credentials. The main coding labs are based on the aries-cloudagent-python (ACA-Py) framework with the coding environment handled by the Docker containers. Once the principal problem and the solution are explained, the course broadens the scope by presenting Aries development tool set, agent design specifics for mobile devices, challenges running Aries agents in production and how to contribute to the open source Aries projects.

  • Technology

    The course is designed for programmers to learn developing Hyperledger Aries agents. Learners with “nerd” qualities who love Unix domain, black and white command line development environment and distributed-asynchronous computing will find the course particularly fascinating.

  • Applications

    The primarily application domain of the course material is, clearly, all the Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) oriented projects that are just finding their way in our every day life. In addition, during the course learners get exposed to cryptography, distributed and asynchronous computing, Hyperledger blockchain ecosystem components, which all will be very useful in many blockchain based solutions.

  • Delivery

    The learning material is primarily presented as a text, figures and coding labs. The course may appear more engaging if it uses more multimedia elements. The presentation style encourages to take advantage of discussion forums and interaction with the other learners. Quizzes, graded tests and instructor feedback are available just in the paid version.

Data is driving our world today. However, we hear about Data breaches and Identity thefts all the time. Trust on the Internet is broken, and it needs to be fixed. As such, it is imperative that we adopt a new approach to identity management, and ensure data security and user privacy through tamper-proof transactions and infrastructures.

Blockchain-based identity management is revolutionizing this space. The tools, libraries, and reusable components that come with the three open source Hyperledger projects, Aries, Indy and Ursa, provide a foundation for distributed applications built on authentic data using a distributed ledger, purpose-built for decentralized identity.

This course focuses on building applications on top of Hyperledger Aries components—the area where you, as a Self-Sovereign identity (SSI) application developer, can have the most impact. While you need a good understanding of Indy (and other ledger/verifiable credential technologies) and a basic idea of what Ursa (the underlying cryptography) is and does, Aries is where you need to dig deep.

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