Blockchain and Business: Applications and Implications

Course Features
  • Lectures
  • Duration
    27 Hours
  • Level
  • Delivery
  • Audience
  • University

The course explores the possibilities the blockchain technology may decentralize businesses and transform many social relationships along the way. The discussion starts with an investigation of the firm’s boundaries that could be “extended” in order to embrace the business models of “networked enterprises”. The success aspects of this transformation are discussed in the second half of the course covering best practices for business leaders, blockchain regulators and governance networks, which could lead to the best outcomes for the whole society.

The course is designed primarily for entrepreneurs, business leaders, C-suite executives but would be interesting for everyone.

The course is non-technical and any introduction covering main blockchain features (immutability, decentralized nature, crypto security, etc) will be sufficient.

  • Content

    The course is built following Ronald Coase (won the Nobel Prize in Economics in 1991) research stating that the structure of the firm is defined by the “transaction costs” and a firm would expand until the costs of performing a transaction inside the firm exceeded the cost of performing it outside the firm. The expectation is that blockchains will reduce the transaction costs and trigger changes in any business entity and, as a consequence, in the whole society.

  • Technology

    The blockchain technical details are not directly discussed throughout the course. There is a course part devoted the blockchain governance topics, which is highly important for any new, emerging technology seeking a mass adoption.

  • Applications

    The course is geared towards blockchain applications even though some of the ideas are not immediately applicable. One learning chapter is devoted to C-suite executes outlining business recipes that may help to lead big corporations during the blockchain adoption times.

  • Delivery

    The learning material is primarily presented as video and text based lessons usually followed by a short quiz testing main concepts presented. In addition, the learners are encouraged to connect and discuss new concepts, ideas in the online discussion forums. All the lessons have external references that could be used to get deeper insights into the topics. Each learning chapter has short interviews with the leading company representatives or experts in the field. The certificate-related exercises are available just in the paid version.

Blockchain will bring about profound changes to business, and even to the nature of business itself. This technology will disrupt how enterprises are funded and managed, how they create value, and even how they perform basic functions like marketing and accounting. In this course you will learn how blockchain technology will penetrate into the structures of organizations. You will explore how blockchain will transform the roles of the C-Suite, and how a blockchain can be used to manage and protect intellectual property. You will be able to identify the different layers of the blockchain technology stack, and explain how these affect the governance of blockchain systems. As well, you will be able to identify seven qualities that a region in the world needs in order to attract technology startups and to build a vibrant blockchain ecosystem.

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