Building Fintech Startups in Emerging Markets

Course Features
  • Lectures
  • Duration
    19 Hours
  • Level
  • Delivery
  • Audience
  • University

The course presents, analyses business management theories and practical examples about startups operating in emerging markets. The course is very much based on the FinTech startup real case studies in South Africa. The latest technological innovations (blockchains, Artificial Intelligence) are presented as solutions to customer problems that startups are addressing.

The course is for beginning entrepreneurs and everyone interested to learn how to establish a startup in emerging markets.

There are no specific prerequisites for the course but a completion of other courses in the “Fintech Startups in Emerging Markets” specialization at Coursera could be helpful.

  • Content

    The course covers business development, business management methods and their applications in the startup field in the emerging market context. The technology aspect is discussed in the initial customer problem identification and solution development as well as in the legal, regulatory environment assessment, which is particularly important for blockchain based FinTech startups.

  • Technology

    The technology, its features are not studied directly - all the focus is about technology applications to solve startup business problems.

  • Applications

    The highlight of the course are the very detailed startup business case studies where latest technological solutions play key roles. Some startups investigated use blockchains to solve their customer problems, which could serve as the inspirations for new ventures.

  • Delivery

    Each learning week is divided into lesson topics with several short video and text based lessons followed by a well prepared quiz testing main concepts presented. In addition, the learners have opportunity to discuss the presented material in the discussion forums. Each learning chapter has few external references for further studies. The course is very much based on the case studies and interviews with the several FinTech startups. The certificate-related exercises are available just in the paid version.

Starting a small business in an emerging market can be very rewarding. Many of entrepreneurship opportunities in emerging markets arise out of necessity, or the drive to solve a real need or a social problem. Thus emerging markets often offer huge opportunities for disruptive innovation. Entrepreneurship has contributed to economic growth and been able to respond to social problems, helping some communities prosper. With the rise of fintech, financial solutions using technologies such as the cloud, blockchain and machine learning have by-passed or partnered with established financial institutions to serve new markets.

This course takes us through the basics from “What is entrepreneurship?” to applying commonly used business planning tools, such as design thinking and business model canvas. Design thinking is a methodology that encourages startups to focus on user-centric products and services. There are also insights on topics like regulation, intellectual property, funding and growth that are important for startups.

I’ve invited along experts who teach and support entrepreneurs. This includes some really interesting people in various stages of their start-up business development. We will be talking with Zlto (a digital currency), Yoco (mobile payments), Proof of Steak (alternative asset investment) and Kuba (a digital ‘middleman’ for small businesses) to name a few.

As we will learn, there is no such thing as being ‘ready’ or, choosing the ‘perfect time’ to become an entrepreneur. You are already one, so let’s take the next steps on your entrepreneurial journey by joining your peers around the world on this course. This course is for everyone, and not only those interested in only fintech.

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