Circular Fashion: Design, Science and Value in a Sustainable Clothing Industry

Course Features
  • Lectures
  • Duration
    40 Hours
  • Level
  • Delivery
  • Audience
  • University

The course is about circularity in all the steps of the fashion industry value chain: from new textile materials and circular design all the way to business modelling. The biggest part of the business section is devoted to explain how blockchains may provide the desired trust in the fashion industry, which, in turn, would help the the industry to reach the circularity faster.

The course is prepared for designers, retailers, scientists, engineers and everybody working in the fashion industry or everyone interested in the circular fashion.

There are no specific prerequisites for this course.

  • Content

    The course is structured as “problems - solutions” in the supply chain of the fashion industry. Among many discussed solutions the blockchain technology providing transparency and trust is seen as a core enabler to start the fashion industry change towards circularity.

  • Technology

    The course is deigned primarily to introduce the fashion industry supply chain. The brief non-technical blockchain presentation serves mainly as an introduction to blockchain application discussion in the value chain context.

  • Applications

    The focus of the course is on the pollution and waste problems in the fashion industry where blockchain based technologies could be a solution. This is a perfect course for blockchain developers to learn the fashion industry supply chain details.

  • Delivery

    The learning material is primarily presented as video and text based lessons usually followed by a short quiz testing main concepts presented. The learners have the possibility to connect and discuss new concepts, ideas in the online discussion forums. A personal “fashion project” assignment is introduced at the very beginning and lasts throughout the course helping learners to gradually assimilate new material. The provided external references could be used to get deeper insights into the topics. The certificate-related exercises are available just in the paid version.

The fashion industry has a large influence on the global economy and is more and more known for its social and environmental impact. Everywhere, new sustainable initiatives are arising from recycling, upcycling to creating clothes from compostable materials. Circularity tough, is a complex phenomenon. What will the future bring us? Are we indeed going to decompose our clothes in our own garden?

The MOOC Circular Fashion: Design, Science and Value in a Sustainable Clothing Industry brings you a comprehensive introduction in circular fashion brought to you by roughly thirty different experts from both academia and practice. You will learn about the versatile task of transitioning towards circular fashion, from the unique collaboration between Wageningen University & Research, ArtEZ University of the Arts and many other experts.

After the course you will know the core concepts and tools to help better understand circular economy in the fashion industry. Some of the topics that are covered focus on understanding the challenge of recycling, design for circularity, alternative textiles through biobased innovation and circular business modelling to help bring innovations to the market.

For whom?

This course will provide designers, retailers, scientists, engineers and all working at the industry or with an interest in fashion with holistic insights in the complex challenges of circular fashion, while engaging you to start the transition to circularity within your personal and/or professional practices. We will bring together art, design and science to move beyond an ego-centric approach of fashion and start from an ecosystems perspective.

Learn the theory, understand the practice and start your own circular fashion journey. Join the movement towards a circular fashion industry!

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