Decentralized Applications (Dapps)

Course Features
  • Lectures
  • Duration
    18 Hours
  • Level
  • Delivery
  • Audience
  • University

Great review

  • Content

    The course is structured around topics covering a decentralized application (Dapp) holistic design, a Daap programming with the Truffle development environment, the best practices and applications. The learning material, many discussions are based on the Smart Contracts course from the same course provider. The Truffle development environment visually has changed over time but the concepts, development steps are still relevant.

  • Technology

    This is a very technical course that teaches the ways to design, develop the real world computer programs that incorporate blockchain (Ethereum) based functionalities. In addition, Ethereum token standards ERC20, ERC721 are reviewed and the token benefits discussed in the context of decentralized applications.

  • Applications

    The course teaches how to incorporate Daaps (blockchains, smart contracts) into real world applications. Although the main discussion focus is on the technical, implementation aspects there are also few lectures on typical Daap use cases from coin/token creation, usage to
    decentralized autonomous organizations (DAO) management.

  • Delivery

    The learning material is primarily presented as video, text based lessons and hands on exercises. One could hear instructor’s accent in video lectures and some video transcript texts are not accurate although this is not a big problem at all. Each lesson is followed by a short quiz that tests the understanding of new concepts. All the lessons have optional external reading references that could be used to get deeper insights into the topics. In addition, the learners have opportunity to discuss new concepts, ideas in the online discussion forums. The certificate-related exercises are available just in the paid version.

This third course of the Blockchain specialization prepares you to design and develop end-to-end decentralized applications (Dapps) – which provide anyone with access to the blockchain’s features and services. You will use Truffle IDE, smart contracts, a simple web client and a MetaMask client. You will learn about the architecture of a Dapp: the front-end client interface, backed by the blockchain and smart contracts. The course covers the basic design of a Dapp, Truffle development process and commands (init, develop, test and migrate), test-driven development of Dapp, Dapp application models and emerging standards that are essential for predictable Dapp behavior.

Main concepts are delivered through videos, demos and hands-on exercises.

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