Enterprise and Infrastructure Security

Course Features
  • Lectures
  • Duration
    15 Hours
  • Level
  • Delivery
  • Audience
  • University

Great review

  • Content

    The course is mainly structured as the enterprise technology standards, trends followed by the associated cyber security challenges and solutions. In terms standards, the NIST and PCI-DSS security frameworks are discussed. Trends like transition to the cloud, anonymity, blockchains, IoT and mobility are reviewed emphasizing their potential vulnerabilities and risk prevention methods.

  • Technology

    The course is primarily about the cyber security and covers security, privacy related techniques implemented in any blockchain. Learners will be introduced to, among other topics, main principles of hashing algorithms, digital signatures, mining, onion routing and Chaum's Blinding protocol.

  • Applications

    For blockchain professionals the course is a great opportunity to learn security related aspects that are relevant for every organization running IT systems. This knowledge may become very valuable once public and business organizations will start massively embracing and managing blockchain based IT solutions.

  • Delivery

    The learning material is primarily presented as video lessons containing built-in short quizzes testing the newly introduced main concepts. In addition, the learners have a possibility to connect and discuss new concepts, ideas in the online discussion forums. All the lessons have external references (even though some Internet links are outdated) that are briefly reviewed by the instructor at the beginning of each week. Each learning chapters contain short interviews with the leading company representatives or experts in the field.

This course introduces a series of advanced and current topics in cyber security, many of which are especially relevant in modern enterprise and infrastructure settings. The basics of enterprise compliance frameworks are provided with introduction to NIST and PCI. Hybrid cloud architectures are shown to provide an opportunity to fix many of the security weaknesses in modern perimeter local area networks.

Emerging security issues in blockchain, blinding algorithms, Internet of Things (IoT), and critical infrastructure protection are also described for learners in the context of cyber risk. Mobile security and cloud security hyper-resilience approaches are also introduced. The course completes with some practical advice for learners on how to plan careers in cyber security.

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