How Entrepreneurs in Emerging Markets can master the Blockchain Technology

Course Features
  • Lectures
  • Duration
    10 Hours
  • Level
  • Delivery
  • Audience
  • University

By studying blockchains, their main components the course convinces that this new technology is able to fix many ineficiencies in the finance industry. In a similar fashion main Artificial Intelligence model groups are presented. The course concludes with the blockchain application opportunities outside the financial industry. The emerging markets' perspective is very "light" in the course.

The course is non-technical designed for beginners.

There are no specific prerequisites for the course but having a bit of exposure to blockchains, finance domain would be helpful.

  • Content

    The course introduces principal blockchain components and main Artificial Intelligence algorithm classes as the best solutions for the inefficiencies of the financial industry. The overall focus is on the blockchains – cryptography, consensus mechanisms and applications. The Artificial Intelligence part is relevant to the finance topic but it is less connected to the overall course learning material.

  • Technology

    This is non-technical course that explains well the main concepts, the intuition behind each blockchain component. Learners having programming background will find few external references to blockchain coding tutorials (the links need to be updated).

  • Applications

    The whole course is structured as a blockchain application to the financial services. The last chapter is devoted to the applications outside the financial industry. The blockchain startups that are interviewed during the course are primarily selected from the merging markets.

  • Delivery

    The learning material is primarily presented as video and text based lessons followed by a well prepared quiz testing main concepts presented. In addition, the learners have opportunity to discuss the presented material in the discussion forums. Each learning chapter has few external references for further studies. The course presents interviews with the industry representatives. The certificate-related exercises are available just in the paid version.

In this course, you will gain a thorough understanding of the blockchain and distributed ledger technologies, including an introduction to the necessary foundations in cryptography. The course will discuss blockchain as a distributed ledger and introduce distributed consensus as a mechanism to maintain the integrity of the blockchain. The other revolutionary technologies that are changing the world as we speak are artificial intelligence and machine learning. You will learn about the three major types of AI algorithms: supervised and unsupervised machine learning, as well as reinforcement learning.

You will learn about the application of blockchain outside of finance. In particular, how blockchain fundamentally changes the way we deal with our personal data. You will see how the web 2.0 model--where big companies like facebook and google collect as much of your personal data as possible to sell it to third parties--is coming to an end. The new web 3.0 is decentralized and uses the power of the blockchain to put users in full control over their own data. Finally, we will look at the benefits and considerations of blockchain and whether blockchain is the right solution for your problem.

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