New Technologies for Business Leaders

Course Features
  • Lectures
  • Duration
    19 Hours
  • Level
  • Delivery
  • Audience
  • University

The course introduces general trends, developments of the emerging technologies. The focus is on how businesses could take advantage of the Virtual/Augmented Reality (VR, AR), Internet of Things (IoT), Big Data and Artificial Intelligence (AI), Blockchains in order to better serve existing and attract new customers.

This introductory course is developed for high level business people (and those on their way) who are looking for a broad understanding of new Information Technologies and want to learn about their potential for business applications.

Besides general business, marketing acumen there are no special prerequisites for this course.

  • Content

    The course is based on the assumption that eventually new technologies are embraced by businesses and especially marketing, customer services benefit from the new inventions. Blockchains are seen as the enabler to apply, integrate Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies in the business domain. The course is created around 2017 and some references could be updated.

  • Technology

    Regarding blockchains, basic concepts covering immutability, cryptography, protocols, consensus algorithms, crypto mining, cryptocurrencies, wallets and keys, smart contracts (vending machine analogy), data oracles, etc are briefly discussed and general principles behind these concepts are explained. The course will be most interesting for non-technical, business oriented learners.

  • Applications

    The primary application area discussed throughout the course is marketing and customer engagement. In that respect blockchains could be useful to built better advertising tools, customer rewards/loyalty programs and to develop global customer communities. In addition, the blockchain use cases in finance, healthcare and entertainment industries are briefly reviewed.

  • Delivery

    The learning material is primarily presented as video lessons where, many times, the instructor just talks - there could be more visualizations explaining the technologies being presented. The learners have a possibility to test their understanding by solving short quizzes and are encouraged to connect, discuss new concepts, ideas in the online discussion forums. All the lessons have external references that could be used to get deeper insights into the topics. The certificate-related exercises are available just in the paid version.

This introductory course is developed for high level business people (and those on their way) who want a broad understanding of new Information Technologies and understand their potential for business functions (e.g. marketing, supply change management, finance). This is not a course for people looking for guidance on how to become a deep technical expert or implement these technologies.

From Blockchain over Artificial Intelligence to Virtual Reality technologies: This course will empower business leaders to embrace the concepts and bring the state of the art information technologies into their organizations to improve client and customer engagement and ultimately the bottom line of their businesses. Instead of digital disruption, the new technologies and management methods will become the foundation of a Digital Transformation journey for better customer relationship management and client satisfaction.
The content is structured in a way that promotes discussions on challenges that business management and marketing functions face due to the rise of new technologies such blockchain, cryptocurrencies, internet of things (IoT), virtual, mixed and augmented reality (VR/AR), artificial intelligence (AI) and big data. This course will use case studies to explore frameworks, tools, and strategies that are already proven in the real world and prepare ourselves and our organizations to have the tools needed to succeed in a fast and changing world. This course is not a deep technical curriculum, but based on thousands of hours helping (often C-level) executives to grasp the technologies' potential in their own areas of expertise.

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